Welcome to Orchid Expo 2010 Show and Sale!


In 2010, Valentine’s Day falls on Sunday, February 14, which coincides with the Chinese New Year celebrations for the Year of the Tiger. In the spirit of holidays, the Newport Harbor Orchid Society (NHOS) will host its Annual Orchid Show and Sale on Friday, February 12 through Sunday, February 14, at the Westminster Mall, Orange County, California.

flyer_2010This year show’s theme “For the Love of Orchids” will feature hundreds of different orchid species and hybrids most of which grow easily outdoors in Southern California’s coastal climate. There will be something for everyone.

Synonymous with elegance, intrigue, and whimsy, orchids are among the most beautiful of flowers in the plant family, coming in all shapes and colors. Their beauty will be showcased in numerous exhibits offered by hobbyists and professional growers. In addition to the displays, there will be a sales area featuring many select growersfrom all over Southern California including: Cal-Orchid, Casa de las Orquideas, Hatfield Orchids, to name a few.

Orchid culture classes will provide the new grower with tips on watering, feeding, light and temperature requirements. All of the speakers are expert growers who are eager to share their knowledge, growing tricks, and enthusiasm for orchids. Hands-on potting workshop will also be available for the new growers who have never repotted an orchid.

Founded in 1979, The Newport Harbor Orchid Society is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. With over 250 members from Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Diego Counties, the NHOS meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 8 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Community Center, 1845 Park Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA. Visitors are always welcome.

Newport Harbor Orchid Expo 2010 Awards

Best of Show
Laelia Santa Barbara Sunset ‘Showtime’
Exhibitor: Ha Bui


Best in Class
(Awards to Individual Plants)


Cattleya Alliance
Laelia Santa Barbara Sunset ‘Showtime’
Exhibitor: Ha Bui


Standard Cymbidiums
Cym. Redondo Sunset ‘Prolific’
Exhibitor: Joe Santy


Novelty/Miniature Cymbidiums
Cym. (Penny’s Worth x Cym. devonianum) ‘Ashley Bui’
Exhibitor: Ha Bui


Not awarded


Vanda and Allied Genera
Renanthera Kalsom
Exhibitor: Joe Rupp


Paphiopedilums and Associated Genera
Paph. Michael Koopowitz ‘Tiger Eyes’
Exhibitor: Binh Shimabukurui


Den. speciosum var. speciosum
Exhibitor: Nguyen Minh Yen


Oncidiums and Allied Genera
Oncidium onustum
Exhibitor: Ron Dier


Pleurothallid Alliance
Pleurothallis restrepioides
Exhibitor: Rick Wells


Other Genera
Dendrochillum tenellum
Exhibitor:  Lynn Wiand


Perpetual Awards


Paul Brecht Memorial for Best Specimen
Laelia Santa Barbara Sunset ‘Showtime’
Exhibitor: Ha Bui


Ron Capps Memorial for Best Paphiopedilum
Paphiopedilum haymaldianum
Exhibitor: Dorothy Goldberg


Pat Worthington Memorial for Best Culture Species
Mediocalcar decoratum
Exhibitor: Lynn Wiand


Rick Efker Memorial for Best Culture Hybrid  (Given by the Mayor of Westminster)
Cymbidium Kirby Lesh ‘Cinnabar’
Exhibitor: Ha Bui


Ann & Guy Gottschalk for Best Cymbidium
Cym. Gold Bullion ‘Theresa’
Exhibitor: Joe Santy


AOS and Orchid Digest Display Awards


AOS Display Show Trophy
South Coast Orchid Society


Orchid Digest Display Trophy
Hoi Hoa Lan Viet Nam (Vietnamese Orchid Society)


CSA Awards


CSA Gold Medal Display
Casa de Las Orquideas


AOS Awards


Culture Award
Laelia Santa Barbara Sunset ‘Showtime’
CCM/AOS 87 points
Exhibitor: Ha Bui


Merit Awards
Dendrobium Duno Vivspot ‘Colorspot’
AM/AOS 81 points
Exhibitor:  SBOE


Lc. John Tomasie ‘Hiltimann’
AM/AOS 80 points


Cymbidium Nagalex ‘Hirakaze’
HCC/AOS 79 points
Exhibitor: Ha Bui


Rlc. (Rlc. George King x L. Anceps) x C. dubiosa
HCC/AOS 79 points
Exhibitor: Fred Clarke


Pot. Toshie’s Charm ‘Feuerbach’
HCC/AOS 78 points


Rhyncattleanthe Zul ‘Wanta’
HCC/AOS 78 points
Exhibitor: Theo Johnson


Cym. Gold Bullion ‘Theresa’
HCC/AOS 77 points
Exhibitor: Joe Santy


Oncidium spathelatum ‘Ron’s Delight’
Exhibitor: Ron Dier


Best Displays
(Ribbon Judging)


Commercial Display
First Place: Cal Orchid
Second Place: Casa De Las Orquideas
Third Place: Santa Barbara Orchid Estates


Society Display
First Place: Vietnamese Orchid Society (Hoi Hoa Lan Viet Nam)
Second Place: South Coast Orchid Society
Third Place: Southern California Orchid Species Society


Hobbyist Display
First Place: Ha Bui
Second Place: Joe Santy