Established in
Shows & Auctions Created
Newport Harbor Orchid Society Monthly Meeting
Newport Harbor Orchid Society Monthly Meeting We meet on the third Tuesday of each month at the Neighborhood Community Center in Costa Mesa, 1845 Park Avenue. The meeting begins with a culture class (topic related to orchid culture) from 7:00-7:45 p.m., followed by the general meeting at 7:45 p.m. which features a speaker (topics range on various orchids), ribbon judging, plant display, refreshments, a silent auction, and plant raffle. Please refer to our Newsletter for the latest NHOS Info.
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Potting Fun With Hatfield Orchids at Yamadas
Come try your hand at repotting at the NHOS Westminster Expo and Show. Sign up at: https://nhosinfo.org/orchidshow/#showcontact

2016 Newport Harbor Orchid Society Show and Sale
2016 Newport Harbor Orchid Society Winter Show and Sale